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A Street Cat's Story

Trap, Release/Rehab

Since opening in 2020, we have been working closely with the residents of Camrose to map out and acknowledge the feral cat colony here locally. When we first opened, we needed funds to work with territories automatically; however, over the last year, we have worked closely with caretakers in the North side Trailer park colony. We assist with sick and pregnant, nursing mama vet them, and, if possible, rehab into house cats. We aim to either rehome as barn cats or return to the colony and assist caretakers with food costs. There is vast information about the facts and proof that spaying, neutering, and producing these cats are better for them long-term. In the ten-year plan down the road without reproducing, no new males are moving in because of the lack of females and fewer diseases because of vetting. We are providing a win-win for everyone! 

October 2022, we discovered another large colony by Sparling school locally. Because of space and cost limitations, we have only been able to trap and vet nine cats and kittens from this colony. 

Summer of 2022, we applied for the Community Project Grant with the City of Camrose for this program- It was denied this November, but we will keep these cats' lives matter. 

How can you help?

Write a letter of support to the City of Camrose!

Become a foster home, or we have a crowdfunding page with the government of Canada to help us financially, specifically with this project.

Coming Soon..... Sponsor a Colony Cat Stay tuned!

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